Probably everyone I know is running ICC with only two healers. So I am sort of curious of what the two healer combos are. I know my friend Jessabelle has a priest/druid combo with shaman back up. This sounds like an awesome combo. I think anything combined with a druid would be pretty nice. Especially a disc priest or pally. Some teams that people might not think are so grand might be a holy priest/druid or pally/disc priest. I really think that any combo can work as long as the healers are working together. We usually run with a pally/shaman combo with two healers on the side if needed shaman/priest.
One combo I was pretty sure was a bad idea would be any two of the same class. I mean maybe holy/disc priest combo, but that doesn't count. How could a raid do well with two healers of any one spec/class. Well I was pleasantly surprised last night. In my ten man ICC, our pally has been taking a break. Our priest enjoys dpsing so I have been volunteering to heal, which I am completely happy with. But why not use our priest instead, because two shaman healers seem like a fail to me. We have two shaman healed a lot of fights but last night... was our first time one shotting Rotface. We cleared everything no issues with heals of course, and then came Rotface. We usually wipe a few times before we sloppily down him. But last night, with two shaman healers we one shotted him. I was actually surprised. My co-healer whispered me and shared his fears that he thought our combo was bad and that he thought we would have more issues. I completely agreed with him, and I am still stoked that we successfully have been healing ICC with two shamans. After a few weeks of this combo I feel excited to really feel as though we are a good team, and that it is possible to two heal with the same class/spec. I still don't think it is the best idea ever! But it works. I wonder if any other class has had the same success with two healing with their twin.
Hello world!
8 months ago
I did a run this past weekend with our holy priest, resto druid, and myself - also a resto druid. DPS was high so we didn't bother to drop to 2 healers very often. Healing was no problem and the run went great.
Our priest stayed holy, our other resto druid stayed with his standard raid healing spec, and I picked up a second healing spec to get the "tank healing" talents. The only issue we ran into was when we tried to do Napdragon in different roles compared to how we do the fight in 25m. Once we went back to our usual roles it was a piece of cake.
Awesome! Shammy love! I suppose it makes sense though. I'm not sure how you worked out the single target vs raid heals but 8 totems, 2 chain heals, ancestral healing going all over the place....sounds like a thing of beauty to me! Of course I could be biased....
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